(Please note: I leave this post at the top of my blog so that new visitors can easily see this information about me and my candidacy. Thanks to return visitors for their understanding!)
I'm interested in hearing from Lebanon community members, but I want you to know something about me as well. So here's some basic information:
I grew up in a family of seven children in Michigan. I earned a B.A. at the University of Notre Dame, and an M.A. in English Literature at IU Bloomington.
Steve Wornhoff and I married in 1992. (He didn't change his name when we married!) Our daughters Becky, Nina and Nora Wornhoff attend Lebanon schools—next year they will be students at LHS, LMS, and Central Elementary respectively. Steve works as the Director of Special Education for a co-op serving 7 school corporations in Hamilton, Boone and Madison counties. He was formerly the director of the co-op that serves Lebanon and 6 other districts in Boone, Clinton and Hendricks counties.
My work experience includes being an admissions counselor at Notre Dame, an assistant director of admissions for the IU Kelley School MBA program, an instructor and academic advisor at IU Bloomington, and executive director of the Frankfort Education Foundation.
Most recently I worked for nearly four years as copy editor and occasional columnist at The Lebanon Reporter.
Since moving to Lebanon in 2003, my family has done its best to become contributing members of this community. We like it here and we plan to stay, so we do what we can to make Lebanon a better place to live and work.
Here's some of my community involvement:
- President (2006-'07 and '07-'08) and vice-president ('05-'06), Central Elementary PTO
- Classroom volunteer for reading and poetry, LMS and Central Elementary
- Served on committees to interview candidates for LCSC Curriculum Director (2006) and LHS Principal (2007)
- Member of corporation broad-based plan committee since 2004
- Parent liaison to Central Indiana Education Service Center since 2006
- Member of School Improvement Team at Central Elementary, 2006-present
- Participated in LHS action group on weighted grades, 2006-'07
- Board member and officer, Lebanon Swim Club, 2004-present
- Cantor and Sunday school teacher, St. Joseph’s Church
- Cast member, Lebanon Follies
- Back to the Fifties Committee
Why run for the Lebanon school board?
I want to have a positive impact in Lebanon, and the schools are the public issue I care about most. As a board member, my goal will be excellent schools for all students. I promise I will:
- Listen to LCSC constituents
- Prepare for and attend meetings faithfully
- Spend time in LCSC buildings and facilities
- Be available to the public to answer questions and provide information
- Promote transparency by communicating with the public through the corporation Web site, newsletters, or regular columns
- Be a careful steward of corporation finances and facilities.
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