Monday, September 7, 2009

President Obama's address to U.S. schoolchildren

Tomorrow President Obama will address students at a high school in Arlington, Va., and his talk will be broadcast live on the internet. It is being made available to every school corporation in the nation. There has been a bit of a kerfuffle about this, with some claiming the president will try to indoctrinate schoolchildren with his ideas about some political matter.

Today the White House made the text of the talk, which is about personal responsibility and the importance of staying in school, available. Here's the link:

Dr. Bob Taylor, LCSC superintendent, talked with his administrative team and decided not to have the Lebanon schools show the broadcast live tomorrow. Teachers will have the option to show it later if they think it's appropriate. Students will need a parental permission slip to view the president's talk; students who don't watch it will have another educational activity at that time.

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