Sunday, July 12, 2009

One year in ...

I thought it was about time to start using this blog again. One year into my term I've learned so much, but I've also learned how much more there is to know.

When people ask me how my work on the board is going, I tell them that it's interesting and challenging, and that I'm confident we're making good decisions for the students and staff of LCSC. The past year included several issues that brought out strong feelings from the community. The dress code, a personnel decision about Coach Hammel, and the budget cut package, including eliminating the Academy, were all truly difficult episodes. Though we didn't always agree with each other, board members treated each other with genuine respect and worked toward consensus in a professional way.

One of my goals on the board is that school issues be well-publicized, but that the board itself not make headlines. Too often there are personality conflicts, or just questionable behavior by board members, so that what a community hears about is the board itself. This can never lead to strong educational decisions, and takes the focus off of student achievement. I'm grateful to be part of a board that truly works together--a big "thank you" to Alan Cragun, Tom Merritt, Michael Burtron, and Dave Herr.

I'll try to post here a couple times a week. I will use this blog to try to explain what's happening, and to reflect on education issues, local and larger.

Thank you for reading. My board e-mail address is Feel free to drop me a line with any thoughts about the board, Lebanon schools, or this blog. For now I'm not inviting comments, but if you think I really should, please let me know.

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