My colleague Tom Merritt is running for a second term on the board. Tom is an exceptionally good board member: engaged, hard-working, willing to spend time on issues that need board attention (even when they're not that interesting!), and truly interested in various points of view. As a small business owner and employer (Merritt Construction) and the parent of one LHS graduate and four LCSC students, Tom knows the impact of the schools on the community.
In particular, I have seen Tom's value as we have begun renovation plans on LHS and other buildings. He's in the construction business, and he knows how to talk with architects, construction managers, and subcontractors. When he looks at a blueprint, a site map, or a contract he knows just what he's looking at and, importantly, what questions to ask. His expertise has already been invaluable, and I hate to think of going forward on building projects without him.
Tom has no personal axe to grind. He's on the board for the good of the students, the community, and the taxpayers. Please vote to give him a second term--he deserves it and you won't regret it.